Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Serious Affliction--I can't just make one

For those of you who know me, you'll know that I used to do a lot of bazaars with finished goods. Santas, bags, quilts,ornaments, you name it. You'll also know that I can't just stop at making one. This has really been a serious problem for me....I mean if I cut out one ornament, really finished 24 wouldn't be that much worse. Sometime I'll tell you all the story of my 3 ft santas, the sleighs, and the 20 special orders I took. Just know that it is another story of when I thought making 20 wouldn't be that much worse than making 5...my husband was involved cutting our sleighs and painting them many nights until the wee hours. I was making carolers, wooden horses, etc to put in the sleighs. Anyway....recently I have caught the bug and have been making binder/book covers. It always starts the same, I make one of something and think WOW that is amazing....why not make a few more for my gift closet. So here are the photos of the one finished book cover that started the most recent series of book cover mania....and also the 3 book covers that are "almost done" and I use the word "almost" really really loosely.

finished cover, if you can get a closeup on the button closure...awesome button!!! Hand-made glass numbers. For sale on my website or by emailing me at qbandy@mindspring.com. Also the patterns for the binder covers should be posted soon or are available immediately if you email me (sorry not enough time to update the website because I've been sewing).

Look, even a pocket for pens/pencils. This is my art quilt journal for all of my inspiration picture, quotes, photos, stuff I've made etc.
And here some more covers....also did I mention that I wasn't satisfied with the pre-quilted fabric I found.....so now I'm quilting my own for several more covers. I hope I make it through this phase of mania soon. I have "real" projects that need attention. LOL .

Saturday, February 9, 2008

New Paper Collages

Here are the paper collages....the originals. Now I'll print on fabric and make into journals or bags. I'm not sure. Right now I really need to finish up a quilt that needs to go to the lady that does my quilting once a year. Normally I do all of my own quilting, but having Yvette quilt for me, just the really special stuff, is like going to have a massage. I don't have to do it and she is sooo creative.

The scan at the top of the page includes a transfer that I did in a class I took with DJ....so the lady with the bird is the wonderful DJ's.....I just transferred, painted over with more greens and pinks and highlighted in a few places. This piece was actually printed on my HP inkjet then fused into the paper collage that you see. Now I'll once again print on fabric on either my HP Laser or HP Inkjet.

Visual Effects

I've been experimenting with collaging papers, using a heat press and then adding a bit of paint over the top. I then scanned the paper, applied a purple filter in Corel added some clip art and now have some cool tags to use. Take a look at the original paper scan (the color is actually much better in person).

Here is the same scan, with the purple overlay, a simple piece of heart clip-art and some text.

I just purchased photoshop elements so I'm hoping to be able to learn many new ways to alter original artwork. I've always really liked Corel but I'm hoping that elements, because of the availability of online training/tips, will be an even better tool long-term. The above label is to be used as part of the packaging for the free heart table mat kit. I'll get that picture posted tomorrow.

Thought for the day: People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.-- Joseph F. Newton

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Feeling a Little Shy

I'd like to share a picture of a small table mat that I worked up as a freebie for my online quilt store (the link to the online store is in the links at the right). These things can't be complicated to make or kit.....but still have to be cute. I stitched up two of these during the super bowl....so you know they are easy. I think a little table candle or votive would really look amazing in the center of this little mat.
Ok, so I have to admit that I'm a bit behind on my blogging...well today when DJ http://djpettitt.blogspot.com/ posted a link from her site to mine all of a sudden I'm feeling "published". Ok, so this might sound weird but I really intended to sort of publish my thoughts but hide from everybody. This is the thing about blogging you really are "all in"...well maybe this is really the glory that I've talked of earlier. At this moment I'd like peace a little more, but I guess that is part of the vulnerability that I hesitate to share or dwell on.
At you know, I've been collecting quotes and this little number really struck a chord with me. Let me know what you think.
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
-- Jelaluddin Rumi

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What are your new years resolutions? It boils down to what do you want more of and what do you want less of and being able to articulate those ideas and feelings in a way that at least your own brain understands.

I've been thinking a lot about: "am I doing the things today that will yield the results I want tomorrow. " Really focusing on not only finding center but also grabbing a little further. As a good friend of mine said "I don't wish you peace my friend, I wish you glory", peace is too easy, glory is harder but the rewards greater.

On the creative front, I've been trying to finish some projects in my studio. It is always a balance, taking on something really large and hard or something smaller that will create more generative creative thought. In some ways I have purposfully worked on larger projects, through that process it has allowed me to find true patience. Really slowing down and enjoying the process but still being focused on an outcome, a finishing point.

I love DJ Pettitt, she is so amazing. She gets up everyday and puts a lot of energy into the creative journey. What I'm so inspired by is that she trys new things literally everyday. She has a few fundamental techniques for finishing, like using a heat press, that she really stays true to, but the art itself and the process of construction she really varies. I think one of the things I really want more of is short little projects, where you are focusing on a technique or tools, something to stretch yourself, to wake up the creative spirit.

I just got in a new book that I'm finding really inspiring. Katie Pasquini and Brett Barker have a new book called Color and Composition. I'm taking a class next year and I think this will be a good start on that week. Here is a link to the book, take a look and I'll be posting more on my thoughts for this book in the coming days.


A quote for you to think about "...decide...whether or not the goal is worth the risks involved. If it is, stop worrying...." take a risk today.